Juan Hoyos

What this is about

This is me sharing interesting learnings with you, inspired by Julia Evans and Juan David Caicedo (my “tocayo”, a spanish word for namesake).

I like developing software, a discipline I have been practicing since the 2000s and still dedicate most of my days. After a long depart from the academia, in 2015 I started a hell of a journey in a Masters with a focus on empirical research that have opened tons of opportunities to see more from the beloved discipline. That is how, for example, I ended up in Montreal collaborating with a bunch of cool people in a software engineering laboratory. We evidenced how feature toggles remain in the source code for a long time, even if they are not meant to live for that long.

But life takes us around other interesting and diverse experiences! I used to practice underwater hockey and became good at it. I struggle when deciding to buy technology; there was that time when it took me more than a year to move from a 7-years-old laptop to a recent machine. I once spent 5 days in a boat traveling from Cartagena (Colombia) to San Blas Islands (Panama) and it was amazing. I am searching how to physically fix myself due to wrong postures from my routines, sport accidents or physical conditions I just happen to have. I often find questioning myself on the challenges we, as community members, face towards more respectful and organized relationships. Pretty diverse, uh?

The personal benefits I obtain from this exercise are priceless, just putting together these paragraphs was fun. But what I really want is to cause an effect on you: I want to inspire you.
